You Belong HERE: Attendance Matters

West Ridge kiddos
West Ridge kiddos

You belong HERE. Here in our classrooms with amazing teachers. Here for one of the biggest adventures of your child’s life.

The teachers and staff in RUSD schools work tirelessly to make sure students are getting the knowledge they need to succeed, come up with creative and engaging lessons and modify methods of instructions to suit every learner. But our efforts won’t be successful if students aren’t in class. Attendance matters. Every. Day. 

Did you know missing just one or two days of preschool or kindergarten every few weeks can make it harder for children to develop reading skills? Preschool through first grade establishes the foundation for relationship building and life-long learning. 

Did you know by middle school, chronic absenteeism is a warning sign that students will fail key classes and drop out of high school and by 9th grade attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores? 

Missing 10% of the school year, or two days a month, can substantially affect your child. State law actually only allows 10 parent-excused absences a year, and students should miss no more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful and on track to graduate.
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Help your child gain comfort and self-confidence and find joy in school every day. #YOUbelongHERE.

Help Your Child Succeed in School: How You Can Help Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early (en español)