Assessments, Curriculum & Instruction


Assessments are used as one part of a larger framework for teaching and learning. They are used to measure how much students have learned over a period of time (called assessment of learning). Assessments are also used to find out what students do or do not know (called assessment for learning).

Assessments for learning and of learning are used together to get an adequate picture of students’ progress throughout their time with RUSD. This is called a balanced assessment system.

2024-25 Assessment Dates Coming Soon

Curriculum & Instruction

We believe all students deserve rigorous curriculum and engaging instruction.  Our goal is to provide the leadership, resources, support and professional development necessary to lead all students to high achievement. 

The curriculum of our district includes strong academics as well as programming in the arts, foreign language, technology, career-to-work, special education, bilingual education, advanced placement, International Baccalaureate, virtual learning and numerous other programming options. Our desire is to ensure a variety of academic experiences for all of our students to enhance their educational experience.

Would you like to learn more about RUSD's performance?

Please visit the WiseDash Public Portal here. The WISEdash Public Portal is the front door for parents and community members to discover all types of data about Wisconsin schools and districts. It is a data portal that uses "dashboards," or visual collections of graphs and tables, to provide multi-year education data about Wisconsin schools. Each year, all Wisconsin public school districts collect information about their students, staff and courses based on federal and state requirements. These data sets are submitted to the Department of Public Instruction where they're stored and linked in a searchable, filterable data warehouse.