Strategic Plan 2027 - Goal #6


Technology & Infrastructure

One hundred (100) percent of District facilities will have the modern and relevant infrastructure, with the resources for students and staff to be successful, as measured by an annual evaluation of industry standards, and an annual staff/student survey on resource access and allocation. Modern and relevant infrastructure to be defined as the following:


  • 1:1 student access to a learning device;
  • Technological resource availability in the classroom for teachers (inclusive of physical devices and programming);
  • District Wi-Fi network will have the appropriate level of relevance and density to meet student/teacher/community needs

Physical Structures

  • New builds meeting LEED qualifications;
  • Deferred and preventative maintenance schedules and processes;
  • Efficient energy utilization in all District buildings

Security and Safety

  • Secure vestibules in schools;
  • Full coverage of internal common spaces and external perimeters via security cameras;
  • Implementation of a card-swipe system in all District buildings, connected to District ID numbers for employees;
  • Development and implementation of a visitor management system in all schools

News & Updates

Dear RUSD Families. We hope your family is enjoying a great start to summer! To ensure your child…
Summer Meals are back! Lunch will be provided at NO CHARGE for any child 18 and under. There is no…
Karla Casillas Tapia moved to Racine from Guadalajara, Mexico three years ago and will be one of…