Primary Years Programme


Primary Years Programme logo

In the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the IB’s youngest students learn about and use knowledge, concepts and skills from a variety of subjects to explore six transdisciplinary themes and begin to develop the attributes of the learner profile.

The Value of the IB Primary Years Programme

  • Inquiry-based learning experiences
  • Agency is fostered by encouraging student interests, questions and discoveries
  • Rigorous curriculum in preparation for Middle Years Programme
  • Exposure to a second language
  • Students learn critical and creative thinking and higher-level questioning
  • Students learn to take socially responsible action
  • Fifth grade culminates with a group community project

Offered at Jefferson Lighthouse (K-5) and West Ridge Elementary (4K-5)

News & Updates

Dear RUSD Families. We hope your family is enjoying a great start to summer! To ensure your child…
Summer Meals are back! Lunch will be provided at NO CHARGE for any child 18 and under. There is no…
Karla Casillas Tapia moved to Racine from Guadalajara, Mexico three years ago and will be one of…