Continuous Improvement


The Department of Continuous Improvement will focus on continuous improvement and aligning the District’s work with the new strategic plan across the District and within each department. Diversity, equity and inclusion are about recognizing historical legacies and current and present realities of bias, discrimination and oppression that marginalized people experience. It is the district's prerogative to create opportunity and access for a culture shift to occur in the organization to meet the unmet, and unique needs of all stakeholders.

The mission of the Office of Continuous Improvement is to support teachers, principals and District administrators in the use of data for instructional improvement.

Assessments are used as one part of a larger framework for teaching and learning. They are used to measure how much students have learned over a period of time (called assessment of learning). Assessments are also used to find out what students do or do not know (called assessment for learning).

Assessments for learning and of learning are used together to get an adequate picture of students’ progress throughout their time with RUSD. This is called a balanced assessment system.

2023-24 Assessments Calendar


ACCESS Assessment

Dec 4 - Feb 2


ACT with Writing

March 13


Pre ACT Secure

 March 18 - 26


Dynamic Learning Maps

March 18 - Apr 25


Forward Exam

March 18 - Apr 25



Click here for dates

MAP Growth Assessment

Sept 11 - 29
Jan 22 - Feb 9
Apr 22 - May 10



To learn how to excuse your student out of state testing click here.

Would you like to learn more about RUSD's performance?  Please visit the WiseDash Public Portal here. What is WISEdash? The WISEdash Public Portal is the front door for parents and community members to discover all types of data about Wisconsin schools and districts. It is a data portal that uses "dashboards," or visual collections of graphs and tables, to provide multi-year education data about Wisconsin schools. Each year, all Wisconsin public school districts collect information about their students, staff, and courses based on federal and state requirements. These data sets are submitted to the Department of Public Instruction where they're stored and linked in a data warehouse. WISEdash gives you an interactive way to select and filter Wisconsin public school data from the 2005-06 school year forward.

Research Requests

The Racine Unified School District supports research designed to improve all phases of the learning process. Surveys, testing instruments, questionnaires, and interviews are all part of the process of research and evaluation.

Researchers who wish to gain access to RUSD data must submit a research request using the request link below:

Click here to submit a Research Request

Once a research request is submitted, the requester will be contacted and begin the formal research request process. When the formal request is submitted it is reviewed and, if the application does not require additional clarification, will review for approval or denial of the request. The use of several criteria to determine whether to approve a request, including, but not limited to, the following: Compliance with federal and state privacy laws, Relevance – Requests will be evaluated to determine how well they support the informational needs of RUSD, and Capacity – Requests will be considered within the context of the work effort required to fulfill them and the resources available. If the recommendation is that the request move forward, the researcher will be formally notified of the research approval.

News & Updates

Dear RUSD Families. We hope your family is enjoying a great start to summer! To ensure your child…
Summer Meals are back! Lunch will be provided at NO CHARGE for any child 18 and under. There is no…
Karla Casillas Tapia moved to Racine from Guadalajara, Mexico three years ago and will be one of…