Case High

Case student works to bring Stop the Bleed training to school

Stop the bleed training
Stop the bleed training

Stop the Bleed, a program through the American College of Surgeons, is intended to provide basic skills to people of all ages with no medical background.

Torin Slaughter, a senior at Case High School, was not aware of Stop the Bleed training prior to doing it. Afterward, she spoke with peers about how crucial yet seemingly unknown it is.

Want to contribute? Here are a few ways you can help:

  1. Purchase a Kit: If anyone would like to purchase a kit for themselves, please use this link:
  2. Donate to Case: Torin's goal is to have 120 kits donated for classroom use. To contribute to this initiative, anyone can contact Kim Cichanofsky directly at A donation account has been set up under the Case Science Department for this purpose.
  3. Training Opportunities: For those interested in the "Stop the Bleed" training, I have attached a flyer with the information on dates each month at Ascension.

WISN news coverage

Read the whole Journal Times article here.