New Raising Readers Hub

early literacy
early literacy

November 15 marks not only National Young Readers Day, but also the launch of RUSD’s new Raising Readers hub, a one-stop shop for early literacy resources. Housed on, this hub features helpful videos for families, tips on raising readers, read aloud book links and even an entire section on how to get your hands on free books. 

These resources are all meant to help children develop the skills they will need to become successful readers. Infants, toddlers and preschoolers develop oral language and early literacy skills every day through singing, playing, talking and reading. Reading books is especially important in setting children up to be successful readers because the language in books is much richer than the language we use every day. Check out the short video below for more information and be sure to check out the hub regularly as videos, tip sheets and other resources will be updated often! 
