Goodland Montessori Square

Request for Swimsuit Donations

Swim 2nd Graders
Swim 2nd Graders

Our second graders are about to get back into the swim of things! Swim lessons for all RUSD second graders resume on Nov. 13 at the RUSD Aquatic Center, and WE COULD USE YOUR HELP. We are in need of new swimsuits (sizes 4-12) for students who may not have one.

Donations can be dropped off at the RUSD Aquatic Center (7567 Washington Ave.) Monday-Friday between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. or Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Just don’t let the orange barrels deter you! The road to the Aquatic Center is open during construction.

Swimsuits can also be purchased through our Amazon Wishlist here and delivered directly to the Aquatic Center.

Thank you for helping our students swim safely!