Julian Thomas

From the Principal


My name is Dani Dekker and I am the Principal at Julian Thomas Elementary.  I am a person who is always learning and growing from every experience that happens personally and professionally in my life. Learning from my mistakes and striving to take those learning experiences and create positive change throughout this beautiful community we call school are what I do best and strive to do every day.  I want to be a person who my students, their families, and staff trust and feel safe with, but know that in order for me to help them be successful they must always work hard to help me help them.  I truly believe as Marva Collins said, "If you don't give anything, don't expect anything.  Success is not coming to you, you must come to it."  When all is said and done, the most important thing in life is loving and being happy with yourself first.  Once you have established that, you can do anything you set out to do in life.

Dani Dekker

Dani Dekker
Directing Principal