Racine Alternative

Special Education Options


Special Ed. Options 


  • full-time specialized behavioral classrooms (middle, high only - ages 12+ upon availability)
  • students who are identified with having social/emotional/intellectual/health impaired disabilities who exhibit cognitive/neurological challenges that have significantly interfered with social, inter/intra-personal emotional AND academic progress. 
    • despite multiple documented and verified interventions including psychological interventions
  • Teachers and classroom educational assistants are trained in NVCI, de-escalation techniques and positive behavioral supports.
  • small, structured, and supportive classroom settings
  • Current FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment) and BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan) in place and implemented with fidelity for at least six (6) weeks prior within comprehensive school setting. 
  • LRE Review & Referral process must be followed prior to IEP team consideration

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