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S.C. Johnson Physical Education


The goal of our physical education program at S.C. Johnson is to develop students who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy physical activity. To achieve this we expose your students to many different fun and exciting sports, games, and activities.


SC Johnson has 30 minutes of recess for the all grades in addition to physical education classes for all students. This allows all students to engage in physical activity through age-appropriate organized activities while allowing for active exploration. Student organized activities at recess or S.O.A.R. involves intentionally designing the playground facilities (blacktop, grassy areas, and equipment) and recess activities to encourage physical activity for all students, regardless of skill or ability. Each month a schedule has been set up providing organized activities and games and encourages students to get active rather than just sit or stand around. Adults also ensure that students play well together, are safe, and share limited equipment fairly.