Gifford School

Gifford Standards Based Grading


In fall 2017, RUSD began the transition to Standards Based Grading and Learning. Instead of a single overall grade, Standards Based Learning breaks down the subject matter into smaller concepts that students should master by the end of the course.

Throughout the term, student learning on each concept is recorded. Teachers track student progress, give appropriate feedback and adapt instruction to meet student needs. This shift in grading makes for stronger instruction that benefits all students.

Please see the Parent's Guide to Standards Based Learning here for more information.

This year, your child will receive a Standards Based Report Card for the following content areas:

  • Reading & English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Music and Art
  • Physical Education and Health Education
  • High School: Freshman Seminar and Algebra 1

The remainder of the content areas including Social Studies, Science, World Languages and Career & Technical Education will wait until the 2018-19 school year to start using Standards Based Grading.